Jonathan Frame

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since Feb 25, 2013
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Jay C. White Cloud wrote: The "pectin" active ingredient in cactus juice) can also enhance lime finishes as well.

Whey is common additive, yet I am not fond of it as the proteins in it can contribute to mold. Casein however is a primary ingredient in many traditional finishes that are often augmented with lime (think "milk paint".)



Thank you all for this insightful feedback, I have some experimenting to do and I am so excited, there is no cactus to harvest around here, I would like to try mixing strait pectin in with these upcoming test plasters for this cob house and see how a new lime plaster will respond with horse manure + pectin extract, Hopefully the walls will still breath yet be nice and weather resistant when the final product has been complete, I am meeting with a consultant tomorrow and will report back with new details after. Thank all you again who took the time to post and share with me and each other.

Plug to who will be consulting and giving a workshop for us here at Warren Wilson College in Swannanoa North Carolina for helping us lime plaster our cob house,

Also we may be Hosting a talk and workshop with the restoration agriculture man himself, Mark Shepard ( February 2015 and will post on the proper forum about this in future moments for folks interested in participating
10 years ago

Dan Chiras wrote:Cow dung can be added to earthen plaster, but horse manure is generally better. That said, I don't think manure is going to make the plaster any more resistant to rain, especially driving rains. I see from the photos that there is considerable erosion of the earthen plaster. I would recommend a finish coat of lime-sand plaster. We describe this technique in our book, The Natural Plaster Book. Lime-sand plaster turns to limestone over time and makes a really weather proof exterior plaster.

Dan are you familiar with the proportion of adding animal manures to clay and sand plasters? Will this new texture effect adding a weather proof lime-sand plaster finish? I am motivated to experiment using animal manure, and fortunately we have two horses on site to use manure from, I also wanted to pick your brain about using whey in plasters as they sit overnight to ferment, have you heard of this technique or had any experience with this method? Thank you for your input about both the manure and finish
10 years ago
Thank you all for the feedback, I think I agree with the shed roof idea, the plaster was mixed by college students without direction, and it eroded heavily away on the sides of the building witch happened to have less overhang than the front and back.

I am having a consultant from MUDSTRAWLOVE in Asheville NC stop by this weekend to help us re-image a game plan to protect this cob house and treat it with some good respect.

I wonder how horse manure differs from cow, is it more adhesive and binds with sand and clay better?
10 years ago
Hello I am working on re-plastering a small cob house that over the summer in western North carolina experienced significant loss of external plaster on more exposed sides of the house and am looking to repairing with a mix containing our local cow dung, I am here to receive feedback on how to approach this idea, what questions should I be asking to determine if this is an appropriate idea to use cow dung? Does anyone have insight and experience in cow dung mixed plasters, as well as fermenting mixes using whey? Thanks y'all I thank you for your time.

Has Cement floor, built summer 2012
Unknown mix used for plaster
More protected area's seem to have remained intact
Cob house is used as tool shed
10 years ago
Hello I am working on re-plastering a small cob house that over the summer in western North carolina experienced significant loss of external plaster and am looking to repairing with a mix containing our local cow dung, I am here to receive feedback on how to approach this idea, what questions should I be asking to determine if this is an appropriate idea? Does anyone have insight and experience in cow dung mixed plasters, as well as using whey? Thanks y'all I thank you for your time.
10 years ago
You all will have access to such bountiful apple scion wood! How can Westerners become more involved?
11 years ago
Hello I am curious about using Rocket mass heaters for greenhouses, is it feasible to heat water for floor pipes and perhaps even an aquaponics set up? One of my favorite books is The Man who Planted Tree's, how about you? Thanks for you time
11 years ago