alen noob

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since Feb 27, 2013
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Recent posts by alen noob

Thanks for the reply

Location is Northern Europe, generally there is 6 months cold here, several weeks of them very, 3-4 months not so cold, and 2-3 months relatively warm.
Okay, let's go further (second round)
I was thinking about support earlier, so here is another drawing.

Now there is cob wall in the middle, as support, round wood rows will be in two pieces, left and right. What do you think about such construction?
And there is This thing, don't know yet what it could be, to allow water go down into all directions.
Probably this cob wall needs a foundation? So there would be tires without foundation, then wall in the middle with it. First I was thinking about front wall - to lay 3 rows of tires, then straw wall above, with doors and windows, but it could be cob wall also, then again it would need better foundation, than several rows of tires, isn't it? So it would be like mixed construction, several walls with foundation, and several (those of tires) without
And by the way, how do you guys dealing with all those wood eating insects?
11 years ago
I'm going to build a house like this

Well, I hope at least somebody understood, how it would look like. Ui (The specific error message is: "u" is a silly English abbreviation; use "you" instead.) form tires, straw bale wall in front, some earth around tires, round wood above them (as roof), then isolation and more earth (~60cm/2') above isolation.
What can you say about such design, would it be good?
The main question is about isolation. How to make it to avoid condensation? I'm thinking about layer of polyethylen (PE) (should it be thermally clued?), then maybe some 10cm/4" of polystyrene (PS), and then maybe paper, saturated with asphalt on top. Everything of this is cheap and affordable.

But what about condensation on top of round woods? If you think it would happen, maybe you'd offer another way of building such roof.
Thank in advance
11 years ago