Bob smithie

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since Mar 11, 2013
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Recent posts by Bob smithie

Jp Learn wrote:Aforementioned: persistent herbicides thread

Does anyone know of anyone who provides of testing for such herbicides?

One of the huge problems is that we don't know what these biocides break down into. The primary, secondary, and even tertiary breakdown products can be more toxic -- more carcinogenic than the original compound. We don't even know what those breakdown products are. You cannot test for something you don't even know what it is. Most insecticides are neurotoxins. Their breakdown products could still be neurotoxic but we don't even know what they are. Just saw a news story that autism has increased 72 percent in 5 years and is now 1 in 50 American children.
11 years ago
I would like to give a kudos to Cris. We had a very pleasant email discussion and I would like to convey to the group how much I believe he and others behind the scenes are working to keep this a pleasant place. Thanks Cris.
11 years ago
I think small amounts of either ammonia or alcohol would not harm a gray water system in the least. Ammonia would just be a plant nutrient, and alcohol particularly ethanol such as vodka would rapidly breakdown.

It probably also depends on the volume of water you have going through the system. If your dish water and shower water are all mixing you could use larger amounts of soap, ammonia, or alcohol to wash your dishes. We need people to pick 1 or the other and do careful determinations of the water flow and amounts they are using. Water companies and pesticide companies and other toxin producers may disagree but I thought those were good comments !

11 years ago

Tys Sniffen wrote:
If you're using a machine dishwater (and, really, is anyone on this forum?)

wash your dishes! water your plants! enjoy!

I am. Had to pick on you Tys Dishes are just too big a water use to let it go. I modified the dishwasher soap though. I didn't want the salts. And really salt buildup is the biggest concern of grey water use. Modify any salt based detergent to carbon based. Sodium dodecylsulfate is really not bad. Minimal sodium, 12 atoms of carbon, and sulfate all of which your plants need.

11 years ago