Kylie Franklin

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since Mar 14, 2013
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Jay Green wrote:I can't really help you on that one...never had a chick like that, but this site may give you some info. Sounds like yours may have spraddle leg....

Well thanks for the help, my sisters cat had chick for breakfast.
11 years ago
I have a 3 day old chick that hasnt been ale to stand up yet. It just layes on its back all day. Its legs work fine when I push on them she moves them like crazy. The legs are kinda to the side of the chick just sticking up. Why is she doing this!!!
11 years ago
I have a few hens and a rooster that roam around the yard and pasture free range. When I first had them I put them up in my chicken coop and got them used to that. Now when it gets darker they just go in there without me putting them up. I dont put any light or heat on them in the winter because when you do that that decreases the amount of eggs that you will get in the summer. Mine stopped laying for about a month in the winter then started up again. I only have 6 hens and one rooster and I get about 3-5 eggs a day and these are Cherry Eggers that are only almost a year old. I got them from Cackle Hatchery if you want any from them. They are fine freerange and I havnt had to worry about any sickness with them around here. Good Luck!!!
11 years ago