Living Woods Magazine -- 1st Issue
will be released to subscribers in: 15 : 38 : 28

N Ever

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since Mar 18, 2013
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I forgot to mention that I'm in east central Ohio. Most people around me use either compost (which I have not started yet) or nothing. I would be okay with mulch but I usually till the ground a time or two in the middle of the summer. Would it be okay to till the mulch right into the ground? As far as mulches, would cedar be acceptable? And I also understand when using mulch you could potentially face nitrogen deficiency. Would a little blood meal work for bringing that back up?

As a side note, any recommendations on fertilizing a garden? Such as how often, how much, what kind(s)?

I appreciate the input and thanks for the quick reply CK.
11 years ago
I've been trying to do a little research on mulching for a vegetable garden. Would straw be sufficient or should I just leave the plain old tilled soil exposed? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
11 years ago