S Kenworthy

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since Mar 19, 2013
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Recent posts by S Kenworthy

Welcome, Peter.

Most of my questions concern cultivating mushrooms in the tropical dryland forest and keeping growth going throughout the year. Heavy rainy season, extra heavy dry season. Any suggestion on varieties to try? Fungus abounds in this part of the world, especially in wet season, and I'm curious as to what sorts of mushrooms could handle this climate and be productive most months of the year. Thanks.
8 years ago
Welcome, Laura. Looking forward to reading your responses. Thanks for your time.
9 years ago
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts, Darren, especially those linking holistic management and permaculture practices.

All the best

9 years ago

Where are you, exactly? I'm close to Cobano and am working on a project that is just getting started. Would like to connect and check out your site if you have time. Will drop an email to you this evening.

Pura vida.