First of all, nice forum, I've learned a lot here
I wanted to present my permaculture project I'm going to build,
I don't know how viable it will be, suggestions are always welcome,
If it's good enough, it might also be of some help to someone who is trying to build something quite like it and doesn't know how to start,
my project is for zone 7 or 8, more like zone 7. It features quite a long list of perennial vegetables, some self sowing annuals and some annual vegetables.
Plant categories:
nutrient accumulators
beneficial insect attractors
ground covers
bulbs and rhizomes
nitrogen fixers
big plants; reaching about 1 meter or higher
small plants; smaller than 1 meter
some other plants
Species in each category:
beneficial insect attractors:
atriplex canescens (bush)
Carum carvi
anthemis tinctoria
tropaeolum majus
dynamic nutrient accumulators
Symphytum officinale
rumex patientia
cichorium intybus
rumex acetosa ('profusion')
chenopodium album
tiller radishes
good king henry
ground covers:
NZ spinach
Claytonia sibirica
fragaria moschata
Fragaria vesca var.semperflorens
Claytonia perfoliata
Mertensia maritima
Valerianella locusta
Nitrogen fixers:
Astragalus crassicarpus (climber)
beans (climber)
lupinus mutabilis (big)
Amphicarpaea bracteata (big)
Vicia faba 'Vectra'
Psophocarpus tetragonolobus - day length neutral (climber)
Phaseolus acutifolius tepary bean
mung bean
Caragana arborescens (tree)
Bulbs and rhizomes:
stachys palustris
dioscorea japonica
dioscorea batatas
chinese artichoke
allium cepa aggregatum multiplier onions
Allium cepa proliferum walking onion
Crow garlic
Big plants:
scorzonera hispanica
bunias orientalis turkish rocket
Agastache foeniculum
Campanula persicifolia
Myrrhis odorata
Smaller plants:
Atriplex portulacoides
Silene vulgaris
diplotaxis tenuifolia (muralis)
malva moschata
perennial kale
sanguisorba minor
physalis peruviana
Astragalus crassicarpus
Lycopersicon lycopersicum 'Matt's Wild Cherry'
Other plants:
Chimonocalamus delicatus (bamboo)
Hablitzia tamnoides (climber)
Each polyculture gets:
nutrient accumulators -> spread out over the whole surface area
tiller radishes / forage radishes -> spread out over the whole surface area
beneficial insect attractors -> spread out over the whole surface area
ground covers -> each ground cover has its own spot
bulbs and rhizomes -> spread out over the whole surface area
nitrogen fixers -> spread out over the whole surface area (many climbers)
plants reaching about 1 meter or higher -> each species in different spots, with different combinations of species in this category
plants smaller than 1 meter -> each species in different spots, with different combinations of species in this category
So I'm mixing all kind of polycultures, just all these species in different mixes. I'm sure not all mixes would work fine, so I'll have to be careful,
there it is,