Marsha Steinweden

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since Mar 28, 2013
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Recent posts by Marsha Steinweden

There is a gentleman raising and selling shrimp on his farm in Charlo Montana.  His brother is doing the same thing in Northern Idaho.
3 years ago
Target Range Community Farmers Market is going this year too.  It is held on Sundays, May 21-Sept. 24, 2017.  It is in the East parking lot of Target Range School, on the 4000 block of South Avenue, just west of Missoula.   Hours are  10 am untill 2 pm.  It is a small market, so you have the opportunity to talk to the vendors, if you are a customer.   Vendors and customers are always welcome.  
7 years ago
Target Range Community Farmers Market opens May 24, 2015 for it's 6th season. Held Sundays, 10am until 2pm, at Target Range School East Parking Lot, 4000 block of South Ave. Vendors and customers are always welcome. We are a small community market but we are friendly and have a good variety of local grown and produced items.
9 years ago
Thank you so much for offering this opportunity to people in the Bitterroot Valley. What a wonderful idea.
10 years ago
thanks Miles. I get really tired of trying to figure out all the letters instead of words. What ever happened to saying what you mean? Guess I am getting old and not into all the new way of communications.
10 years ago
Okay, I have to ask....what is a PDC???
10 years ago
Next Sunday, May 12, will be the first of season 4 for the farmers market. We are always looking for vendors, and customers. We also have a volunteer position open for a market master, if any students are looking for an internship that might be interested. If you are in the neighborhood please stop in between 10 am and 2 pm. We are located in the Target Range School parking lot on South Ave. on Sundays.
11 years ago
I personally don't have a problem with drinking or loud music, just wish they would seperate it all from the other activities going on at the same time. I agree that loud music will drive people away from events. One reason why I rarely participate in events around the Missoula area.
11 years ago