Guidance requested! I have been looking around on the web for ideas to use the power of the Rocket Stove in hydronic heating application. I am contemplating building a rocket stove that has copper tubing on top of the plate (as a heat exchanger) in an insulated box. That would then feed my 300 gallon storage tank that I currently have connected to a wood boiler (inefficient, and therefore looking at a better model). I was contemplating whether the Rocket Stove would be able to create/generate enough heat in this manner to bring my storage tank to temperature (190 degrees) which then feeds the house with heat. I have not found anything that gives me expected BTU output, and although there are a couple scematics of using a rocket stove for domestic hot water heat, I do not see anything that feeds a storage tank in a closed system at higher temps. I wonder about the lifespan of the copper if the top of the plate is to get over 1,000 degrees C as predicted. Are there schematics around? Is this doable? Or would the log box be too big to be functional? Looking for input from those who have gone before...I would like to get the exhaust tempt down to 200 degrees F as then I would be able to maintain all the heat in the system. Currently, with my existing boiler, my stack temps are 500 degrees and I chew through a chunk of wood. Trying to find an alternative that is more efficient and can retain the heat. I do not have a use for the heated thermal mass (other than the water) in this application as the boiler is not in the living areas of the house.