i've got a six acre homestead in northeast missouri - it's part of red earth farms community land trust, and we're right next door to dancing rabbit ecovillage and sandhill farm. i've been on this bit of land since 2009, and have been at it more full time over the last two years. just lost my one steady job at a local cafe (it closed down) and am juggling a few other income sources along with all the farm work, but we're also running an indiegogo campaign to help us finish setting up our really long term, bottom line systems to provide for ourselves. only have six days left on the campaign, if you're the social networking type and would be excited to spread the word, feel free to share:
help a homestead thrive or
we're trying to do things both sustainably and primitively out here, with a big focus on long term sustainability using resources found in our immediate vicinity rather than focusing on high-embodied-energy/long-term-use materials like concrete or even modern power systems. so we're building split rail fencing for animal paddocks (and planting hedgerows that we'll use a few years from now), using wattle and daub for parts of our shelters, and experimenting with local grasses for thatched roofs (among many other techniques). we work as a small collective of friends and welcome others through on visits throughout the year. there's a lot of information on the indiegogo page - if what we're doing sounds awesome to you, please post on your blog, facebook, twitter, etc. to help us reach the kinds of people who are able and willing to help us out. also, i promise i am not the troll type and will not repeatedly post asking for $ from folks. just looking to reach as many people who Want to support this sort of project as possible.