Mikki Proffitt

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since Apr 09, 2013
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Thank you Miles! I actually did read through that thread prior to posting, but was still so unclear as to how much conifer is too much. I have gathered it's more of a" it doesn't rot very fast thing" versus a " nothing will grow on it" thing. So I guess I will use the mulch sparingly on one bed and heavy on another and see what happens. Nothing like a little experimentation to put one's own mind to rest. Here in the desert we have (to my limited knowledge) few varieties of trees to work with and pine is a very popular one. Is there anyone who has had experience with how hugelkulturs do in the desert using trees such a palo verde, eucalyptus and palm.
Thank you also for the insight on height. Just intuitively a very tall one seems not wise for the climate and area I live in. And as I am not overly tall myself planting and harvesting the top could pose a problem. I appreciate your time. I am enjoying the website very much!
11 years ago
Hi, I am rather new to Hugelkultur and am very excited about it. I am in Arizona and it is HOT here! I am sure these hugelkulturs I am building will do great. I do have a couple questions and hope someone with experience can help.
1. How much conifer is too much conifer in a hugelkultur?
We were fortunate enough to have LOADS of lovely mulch, wood chips and logs dropped off by a local tree maintenance company. However, there is a large amount of pine, juniper and maybe cedar in it. It's hard to tell once its all chipped up. I am trying to avoid using it but it's mixed in very well.
2. I have read that the taller the better for a hugelkultur. I am hesitant to build one really tall because of how hot and dry it is here. I have done two where I started with a hole in the ground added wood, then mulch on top, then the soil. Does anyone have experience with this? I am pretty much going on intuition with the basic idea of the hugelkultur.
I would appreciate any feed back.
11 years ago
Hi! I'm Mikki. I live in Apache Junction with my partner, two children and several felines. I am very much interested in being part of an intentional community. I would love to hear what your ideas are and if we would be a fit. I have a number of skills and experience that I consider a great asset to any community (no ego involved just self worth).
11 years ago