Tom Kane

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since Apr 10, 2013
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Big Al.

Thanks for the post. I appreciate it. I am excited to begin my journal with the rocket mass heater - I just want to do the best possible. I am going to look into getting Ianto Evans' great book 'Rocket Mass Heaters' ($15.oo U.S.) - thanks for the advice. I am also thinking about using insulated triple wall pipe for the heat riser, and maybe adding extra insulation around that to get the necessary diameter I'm looking for. Whatever I do, I will make sure to post it - along with the results, so others may benefit from my experiments!!

Thanks again Big Al - I truly appreciate it!!!
Tom K.
11 years ago
I am having similar questions. With an 8" sysem, the recommendation is a 55 gallon drum with a 1.5" space on either side for the exhaust gases to flow down the sides. This gives us 8" (exhaust pipe in heat riser) + 1.5" (x2 - on either side of the heat riser) = 11". If a 55 gallon drum is 22.5" in diameter - that gives us: 22.5 - 11 = 11.5" / 2 (for the insulation of the heat riser) = 5.75" insulation around the 8" heat pipe. I think it's right - but none of the videos I've watched looked like they had nearly that much insulation. Please help.
11 years ago