PIP Magazine - Issue 19: Ideas and Inspiration for a Positive Future
will be released to subscribers in: soon!

Tim Wheaton

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since Apr 21, 2013
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Recent posts by Tim Wheaton

Her pigs.....Her rules!
10 years ago
Dewalt planer is a pile.

A delta is what I have had and it's runs awesome $250

10 years ago
Teaching Jason to drive the Kenworth!
10 years ago
This guy showed up to help. He seems to only come around when he can coax people into playing in the mud......
10 years ago
By removing the front of the pooper cabinet with 4 screws a 20 gallon rubber made wheelie bin is exposed and easily removed. The other skiddable poppers contain the 30 gallon version wheelie bin and we found the 20 gallon to be more suitable for our small space.
10 years ago