Cody Crowder

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since Apr 22, 2013
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Guten morgen. We are currently working on making our lands the chief source of nutrients for our hogs. We have about fifty (and ever increasing) count herd of hogs that we have put on the lush pastures. We have been thinking about growing some crops to rejuvenate soils in the southern pastures where weeds have taken over tremendously as well as using those crops to feed our hogs come harvest. We're wondering if anyone has worked the land in ways similar. The plan is to companion plant either corn and field peas together or corn and red clover. I believe both of these options would work well because Red Clover is more adaptive to shade and obviously would fix nitrogen in the soil that those greedy corn stalks take up. Peas basically do the same thing and the corn stalks would act as trellising. Everything is good in theory, however. All insights welcome
11 years ago