Neil MacUltaigh

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since Apr 23, 2013
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Recent posts by Neil MacUltaigh

Thanks Renate!
There is a lot of household waste which I dont worry too much about, except for the dislike of all the plastic used to dump it in. Nothing so far has been really bad except for seeing plastic cartons and bottle that once contained motor oil. Of course, if it was dumped it was more than likely empty and all of them still had the tops on. I will have to watch out for the wiring that was ripped out from the house that was there. I would love to build a pit and compost this way though with the water table being quite high I would prefer not to do it - I want to dig a well for water. I might get the stuff compacted and made into blocks and make a small build out of it as a reminder. Cheers!
Hi Guys,
I am a first-timer! Great work Paul!

I moved to Croatia and bought a property that was in the middle of the war zone when Yugoslavia was breaking. People decided use the property as a dumping ground especially around the house and in half the garden. The rest of the property is new growth forest.

My question, as I continue to dig the crap out of the ground what measures can I take to bring about healing on the land. Is there certain plants I can grow to work on the soils? The rubblish has been there a while so maybe a lot of the effects have been dealt with, I just dont know. Also the roof on the house that was there was tore down and is scattered on the grounds. The roof tiles look like asbestos, what are the effects of this nasty stuff on the soil?

People have said I was mad buying this property but for me someone needs to bring healing back to this place.

I would appreciate any help/insight you can offer.
