matthew b witt

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since Apr 23, 2013
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Recent posts by matthew b witt

Hi Debbie nice to meet you . If you are still looking for help my son Kyle & I might be able to come and help.
my number is 716-498-1380 call me at your convenience. thank you..
God bless
11 years ago
We could really help you, Brother Nash. I have a lot of skill that will be useful in what you are doing. It looks like great place too. Seek the Lord's help and He will lead you . We don't smoke , drink , or do any drugs at ALL.
Thank You for Your time; God bless ..
Matthew & Kyle
Father & Son
11 years ago

Debbie Apple wrote:I have a small farm (25 acres) near the TN/KY line in Rockfield, KY. Right now we have dairy and beef cows, sheep, broilers, layers, goats, and bees. We have a shop on the farm and also sell our products at two farmers markets. We have the makings of a great farm but we need help to bring all the pieces together. If things continue in the way they have gone over the past few years we hope to expand to the 100 acres behind the farm but we want to see this piece of land closer to where it should be before we embark on expansion. If this sounds interesting to you, let me know and we can see if something can work out for the upcoming season. We have plenty of room to expand our meats, dairy products, wool products lines and would love to see if someone could make money by utilizing untapped resources.

I have two wonderful kids (15 and 21) who work on the farm and we are very intent on maintaining our peaceful home - lots of love and fun and no TV.

Let me know if this sounds interesting.

sounds great, let me know if you are still looking help, Matthew.
11 years ago