Andrew Zajac

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since Apr 29, 2013
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Recent posts by Andrew Zajac

True, but it seems the worms are there to eat the food particles. I don't think worms would be able to help with phosphates or triclosan or whatever else may be present in detergents. I think that would be taken care of by the bacterial action of the soil in your yard/garden.
11 years ago
Sorry if this is off topic, but I am having trouble finding this information elsewhere. I noticed that the pdf says not to use grey water on your veggies but it is fine for fruit trees. Why the difference? It seems that the processes both use to uptake nutrients from water and the soil to produce edible parts would be the same. What am I missing here? I was also under the impression that many earthship homes used gray water for their veggies.
11 years ago
What were they using this water for? Were they trying to drink it again? These are just the opinions of someone with little grey water experience, but for what that is worth it seems like the soil would do a fine job of 'filtering' grey water. It seems like filtering or cleaning it is redundant if you are going to use it for irrigation.
11 years ago