gavin bragg

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since Apr 30, 2013
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Hi David sorry to confuse I wrote that comment really poorly.
Its the metals I was referring to.

My comment on Zeolite Removing Fluoride was in reference to hydrofluoric acid which is the main form used to fluoridate water, and as it is a waste product of smelters, and weapons manufacturing, it contains all sorts of heavy metals and toxins like lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, aluminum, benzene and radioactive waste material.

All of this can be removed by the zeolite. But not the fluoride its self.
11 years ago
Hi all Flouride being a + charged particle can be removed with zeolite ? best if its a good quality one, as most already have full cages. zeolite will remove all heavy metals and many other toxins as well as radiation.

have a look at
11 years ago