Jennifer Surrette

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since May 03, 2013
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Recent posts by Jennifer Surrette


Does anyone know of a Canadian seed company selling ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) other than Richter's? Richter's is sold out this year. I found American sources, but ginseng seed can't be shipped internationally. I also found one ad on Ebay, but I'd rather buy from a reputable company seeing as Ginseng seed is difficult to germinate even with the highest quality pre-stratified seed.

As an aside, I'm also looking for goldenseal seed.

Thank you in advance:)
6 years ago
Hi Barb,

I see this post was four years ago but thought I'd reach out anyway.
How are things going on your homestead? I just recently bought land in your area, New Ross. I'm about a decade away from moving there, as I don't want to go into debt but I visit often and have a driveway leading to the eventual house location. I'm currently living and working in the city.
Where on the South shore is your 55 acres?
7 years ago
Hi everyone,

I'm currently living in Halifax. My partner and I are looking to buy land in the Windsor to Stewiacke area to start a farm/homesteading. I've been studying permaculture on my own for a couple of years and just took my PDC in May/June (James was there too...hi James!). I've been experimenting in my backyard for many years and there's little room left for anything else. I'm interested in growing perennial vegetables, mushrooms (in a food forest), and medicinal herbs/plants. I'm learning about beekeeping now. It's comforting to know there are like-minded people in the province.
10 years ago