Aaron Harris

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since May 03, 2013
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Recent posts by Aaron Harris

Thanks for the input.
11 years ago
I'm thinking of buying a property and building, but the average yearly property tax being something like $20 per $1000 is a daunting commitment.

I did a search for "Assessors" and "tax" and didn't really find anything relevant.

Does anyone have experience with how their earth berm, tiny house, wofati, or small quaint passive solar structure is assessed, relative to the average stick and siding job? Do assessors see this as a decrease in value, or an increase? and do they take into account the idea that it may cost almost nothing to heat year round? How do assessors view permie edges that may look like chaos to the uninitiated?

Thanks for any input.
11 years ago

I am currently living in western NH - that's, about 30 miles from eastern NH - and I'm thinking of building a house. I'm also excited about tilapia/aquaponics, thermal mass and eliminating heating bills, tick control using chickens, and other low impact living strategies.

I'm looking forward to learning of the many ideas shared on this site.

See you here.

11 years ago