Ilyusha Mann

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since May 12, 2013
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Recent posts by Ilyusha Mann

Modern construction wraps us up in plastic. I think its to prevent moisture in the walls, but someone correct that if it's for a different purpose. Also our paints are acrylic, a type of plastic. I would like to hear more ways it's used in building, as I believe the plastic homes are a large contributor to society's disconnected state.
11 years ago
Okay, so here's what I did....

I dug a pit for water collection. The water runs off my roof and down the trench in the bottom-center of the picture and will fill that pit and provide water for the banana plant and the raised bed with the cardboard covering (it's sheet mulched, I just have the covering temporarily until plant roots stabilize the soil).Really just playing around with stuff, seeing how it goes. I live in Florida. Fun fact, hehe.
I'm gonna plant peas to run up the fence, but was wondering what plants I could plant with success around the watery collecty pondy thingy. Maybe eggplants would do well around the outside edge of the bed farther away from the pond? Also, what are the effects of peas trellising on plants? Can they be parasitic in any ways?
The tree in the foreground is this tree:

It has red-orange roots which crawl very close to the surface. Any one able to identify it? I'll post it in the ID forum too...
Are there any distinguishing features among nitrogen fixing trees which makes them.. well... distinguishable?
I'm so full of questions, thank you for your time reading and considering them!
Hi, I'm Ilyusha, but I'm also human and made of matter. I'm 18 and want to reverse the terrible things the world is facing, like desertification, food factories, and the climate change which clings to these old wagons like ivy vines. Seems like permacultural methods are the ultimate form of conduct for doing stuff like that. Uuuuhhmm, I like doing artistic projects. Yesterday, my love and I swam in a bog. I'm starting school at University of Florida in August, gonna study something in ecology / biology. If anyone has any advice, my ears open to you like Baobab flowers, but I promise they wont close in the morning. Much love, permaculture people, you are my idols-of-sorts!
11 years ago