I noticed you mentioned one of my favorites, Fuki (Fuki Petasites japonicas sweet coltsfootleaf stalk and flowerbuds nuisance to cook? Aggressive plant.)
The full grown plant is a pain to cook from what I hear, but I love it in the spring.
I live in Sendai, and right after the big earthquake it popped out of the ground in my parents' garden.
We feasted that night on tempura from the garden.
Right as the flower pokes out of the ground, before it opens at all you cut it off (just the very top part and maybe a half cm of the stem).
Then batter it and deep fry. In Japan we call this style of cooking "tempura".
Usually we make tempura with other kinds of vegetables, mushrooms and for meat, shrimp.
A little salt and it is ready.
The fuki has a "Piney" taste something like hops.