cc vasilj

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since Jun 05, 2013
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Recent posts by cc vasilj

It doesnt make sense to me to treat a hive for mites without confirming a high concentration. An I P M (integrated pest management) is necessary for al beekeepers in my opinion.

Also in my opinion by using these chemical treatments we are selectively breeding stronger more resilient mites. That is one reason new chemicals come out every year, last years is less effective.
Fatbeeman on youtube promoted tea tree oil and the like for colony health.
Many beekeepers are requeening to breakup the reproductive cycle of the mite. Swarming colonies have shown to be more resistant to catastrophic infestations. So artificially swarming your colony gives you an average of 30 days with no mite reproduction.
Also powdered sugar applied regularly has been a method beekeepers have used to induce a hygienic beehavior that can reduce mite population s.
Good luck get yourself an ipm and use your own observations!
10 years ago
You are right to believe treatment free hives are still susceptible to contaminated comb. I am unaware of any studies on the physical impact of this comb being used in body products.
10 years ago

I ask many beekeepers in va about the grant and not many are aware. I have applied and believe it is a great opportunity. It is for woodenware only, up to 12 hives and $2400. Grant is well described on its website.
Hopefully I'll get my investment recouped.
10 years ago