I need a space to rant....
I'm 24 years old and everyone I know thinks I'm insane. Though I'm probably quite similar to many of you here.
I've worked a job since I was 15. And in those short years, I've developed a pity for society. Everyday I drive to my job and all I can think is 'this is miserable'. And it's not working that's miserable, it's working for someone else's system, it's being reliant on a paycheck. It's paying an entire paycheck per month for car expenses, when the only reason you own a car is to get to the job that pays for your mortgage.
Let me emphasize, I am a hard worker. This is not an anger of the inability to 'make money', nor the desire of a 'lazy' lifestyle. I wake up every morning with the urge to 'work'. The anger comes from the urge to work for myself and my family.
If I won the lottery today, I wouldn't buy an island, I would buy a mansion, or a Lamborghini. I wouldn't even buy a big TV. -- I would buy acreage. I would start an apple farm. I would raise alpaca. I would live in a cob house that I built myself. And what would I do with an apple farm?? Why would a millionaire want apples?? I would give them away, for free!
-- The moral to my story, is that apples are free. Everything that matters in life is free. Society however is not free, and makes you think that everything that matters is not free. I wish I could teach this.
I made minimum wage when I was 15. I now make triple what I made then. I have nearly all my debts paid off and should have about $15,000 saved by the end of next year. Its no lottery but its a step in the right direction.
And so these are the options I have come to consider I can do with my life right now.
1. I can continue my miserable life in society, working the job I despise and putting a down payment on a house that I will spend my entire life working to pay off.
2. I can quit my job, take the scenic route cross country and see things I've never seen before, things that I have to see before I die. I can move into an apartment when I arrive, and have just enough money to restart myself into society. I will be refreshed by the change of scenery for a few years at least but begin to get upset when the repetition begins again.
3. I can buy a small piece of land, on the far outskirts of my city. Build a cob house on it. With hopes of being able to live in it. Quit my job and work part time at a gas station. Add those 20 hours of free time at work to gaining life skills that would make me happy.
Option 3 is my favorite in my mind. Though it comes with fears. A 'sink or swim' fear comes to mind. I have no experience in homesteading, construction, gardening or anything that would suit the lifestyle. I wasn't raised by a society that taught me these skills. I was raised by the modern society of money, electronics and entertainment.
How do I take a dive from what I've known my whole life, to pursue something that my friends and family view as suicidal.