Kerry Ann Ennett

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since Jun 20, 2013
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Recent posts by Kerry Ann Ennett

Hi Rein,
That house Geoff was talking about in his online PDC course was for a previous PDC student who only had a couple of grand$, and wanted to build the cheapest dwelling Geoff could come up with. indeed the clay from the dam dumped on the uphill side of dam and compacted with the excavator I think he said it was a 30 tonne. Then they cut the walls out vertically with the digger then put a roof on it. Then enclose the front, it sounded like more of a shack than a house.
But similar concept to rammed earth on the inside.
7 years ago
I live in Queensland, Australia, and attempted to purchase the Wood Burning Stoves"DVD set via Amazon, I usually have no problems purchasing through Amazon.
However this time I'm told they can't send them (electronic stuff) internationally.
Is there another way around this. Do you need an Australian supplier?
Kerry E
11 years ago