Nathaniel Read

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since Jun 25, 2013
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Recent posts by Nathaniel Read

Sorry to bother everyone here, rather than through whatever means is popular for signing up for the workshops, but I'm a noob. Where is base camp, and how do I make payment? My email is For heat we went all wood-burning, here in Ogden, Utah, last year, and I'm way-interested to use a tenth of the wood. I want to come to one or both of these workshops if there is still space available. Thanks!

Okay, now I'm less of a noob. I just found the info above. Soon I'll know enough to be able to delete my stupid posts.
11 years ago
Greetings. Kudos to you, Greta, for offering a way for people to unite with you in a shared living environment. I'm really interested in doing this. I wonder, like Judith said, what the answer is (to people successfully uniting in community living), and am exited to find it (them).
I find it curious how many people are interested in leaving behind the concept of cash. I read Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand a few years ago, and loved the character Francisco in his "money speech". I don't believe it is really money that people find vicious and barter that they find virtuous. I theorize that it is really "crazy" that people want to leave behind, and "sanity" that they seek. Money is just an accounting tool for value created, and those who are repelled by that concept may be trying to compensate for something.
I am married and have four young kids, living in Ogden, Utah. I'm ready for community living. I'm a permaculture-noob. I have lots to learn, including how to keep a plant alive. I love this site, as well, and wish everyone here the best in successfully uniting with like-minded individuals.
11 years ago
I am the proud owner of a shiny new 55 gal steel drum. For rocket stove-building purposes, is that too much space for the re-burn chamber? Would a five-gallon metal drum be better? Too many questions. Doh! I need a guru. Maybe a book, even.

Paul, I will bribe you with dollars if you make your DVD set available for those of us too slow to help with your kickstarter campaign.
11 years ago