Hello and Good day...
my name is Matthew (or Madhusudana dasa). My wife Kanupriya dd (aka Ellen) are a very sincere, highly educated couple not only versed in the language and practice of deep, biocentric ecological gardening but are also dedicated to deep, biospiritual ecology. caring for the land, being good stewards of the planet and creating a sacred space for all living entities to thrive is our life mission. we are currently living in north central florida, where we rent a 3 acre piece of land in the middle of a forest preserve. for nine months we have dedicated all of our spare time and resources to transforming this piece of land into a biodynamic oasis with the goal of creating a teaching space for others to share and grow their practical experience in deep ecology, a work that we feel is particularly important at this time in our collective history. this might be even the most important time, and as some prophets seem to think, we might even be beyond the tipping point. so, we see ourselves more as a rescue mission.
other projects that we have been involved with were helping to establish an organic farm, called Sacred Ground Organics, where we grew multiple traditional food crops as well as helped out on many other sustainable gardening projects throughout the country. My wife Ellen has her master gardeners certification in conservation ecology from the University of Illinois extension office. She has helped on many different community garden projects as well as ran the horticulture help line for the extension office.
what we are really looking for is the chance to help with a project somewhere that is dedicated to making a difference here on this planet that we all love so much. being spiritually inclined, we are both initiated in the Gaudiya Vaishnava line of mantra meditation, we don't believe that our spiritual life should end at the church, but should force us into action, devotional service. to that end we have started this project here in florida. sadly, due to financial constraints and a serious lack of community support we find that it becoming increasingly difficult to maintain this project. since we do not really feel that working for some place like wal-mart is in line with our ideals and to invest our energies in that kind of direction would be counter productive we have decided to put a plea out and see what other opportunities might lie out there in the wider world. you can get a better idea of the work we have done by checking out our website. please don't think this a shameless plea for support as really we just feel this is our best resume to date.
we would love if maybe we could find a community project or some kind of situation that is similar to what our spiritual ideals of responsible land stewardship is. we are vegetarian, non smokers or drinkers and needless to say we don't take any other intoxicants. we really just want to chance to make a difference.
thank you so much for your time.
Namaste and Hare Krsna,
Madhu and Kanu