Rocket Mass Heater Manual
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mindy hawley

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since Jul 03, 2013
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Recent posts by mindy hawley

I am excited now to have a list of women to research. This project is very exciting and has lots of potential. I loved the cards immediately upon seeing the kickstarter and am even more excited with the addition of queens. I think the people of permaculture that i have read and implemented techniques like holzer, lawton, deppe, are just as interesting if not more to lure people in. Completely appropriate for a deckfact of cards .
11 years ago
My idea of a painting for Ruth Stout would be of her gardening...naked. Obviously tasteful
11 years ago
Hi Donielle,
We are a little far from you but we do live in paradise in Leelanau County in Northern MI. My husband, my two small children, dog, nine ducks with 17 new ducklings have a small homestead we are building. We too were planning on a straw bale home but decided to work on a smaller tiny home with green roof and other sustainable features. We have some space, a new large tent ie fairly rustic living. We have just had a young family stay with us while we worked on some larger hugelkultur beds and finishing up on some of our many projects. I wish you luck with finding a great place to try something new! PS I grew up in Portland. Best big city ever!!