Mellisa Stoker

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since Jul 04, 2013
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Recent posts by Mellisa Stoker

Awesome, I LOVE LOVE LOVE those tea strainers!

Travis, plants LOVE coffee.... use the bottom for your plants, fil the rest with water, and then give a random lucky plant a drink, they will thank you for it! Mine do.
11 years ago

Satamax Antone wrote:

Thank you! I love when people give me new rabbit holes t explore!
11 years ago

Bill McGee wrote:Hello Melissa,
I'm not clear on your question, are you trying to get your pellet stove to have rocket mass heater characteristics or maybe build a second pellet stove, or something else?

Yes, the characteristics I guess... It looks nice, it already has some chambers of sorts in there, I know the weight is okish since it was already in here when I got the place etc..
11 years ago
ok, single mom, no real tools, living in a trailer...

Looking at my pellet stove and humming over reverse engineering it somehow, plus not a lot of money or able to bare much weight....

Has anyone tried a pellet stove reverse engineer yet, or is there some lighter weight apartment version I could build that isn't too difficult???

11 years ago