Kristie Wheaton

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since Jul 05, 2013
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Recent posts by Kristie Wheaton

I'm sorry to tell you this Fred but your last post only has three deer....the middle one is a buck with his antlers is however NOT an elk.
9 years ago
Last night we had the very first piggies born on the lab! 8 healthy little babies in all
9 years ago
This Tims idea of a skiddable hay feeder for our crew...thanks to mike an violet for their help on it before they left!
9 years ago
Not only are Tim an I making burger from our own cows....sausage from our own pigs....but now we also are making cheese...butter...cream the whey off of cheese for fermenting pig food even further! Also these are the cheese presses that Tim built for me.
9 years ago
Yesterday the kids an I worked on gingerbread houses ...
9 years ago
Well I don't know how many of you have heard of the magazine called GRIT ...but they have done a article on rocket mass heaters...there is an article online here they chose to print a few of my pictures. So I thought you all would like to see! Enjoy!
9 years ago
We are finally in a good spot with our milk cow an are getting plenty milk. We have played around with some soft cheese making an are starting to make ice cream too. But I would like to start making cheddar cheese now an so any recipes you may that you would like to share would be greatly appreciated!
9 years ago
Digging holes for the posts
9 years ago