Bob Brocious

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since Jul 18, 2013
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Almost 58 years old. EdD in Adult Education.  Father of two children.  Married 36 years to their mother. Divorced in 2011.  Remarried December 2012.  Happy!!  Healthy!  Whole!
Licensed pilot, avid reader, licensed minister, with UPS for 28 years.
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Carroll county, Kentucky
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Recent posts by Bob Brocious

These shippable cores ... are they sized to meet the heating needs for a certain range of square footage? If so, what is it? Or is this an irrelevant question?
11 years ago
Where to begin ... . I have a 2,000 sqft, 1.5 story farm house (see earlier post for picture). I have heated it for many winters with a woodstove. I have a limited space to build a RMH in the same area the woodstove took up. So I'm thinking I have to be able to produce X btu's and store it in x sqfeet of mass and/or surface area that will return the heat at some rate over time. My head already hurts. Am I on the right track?

11 years ago
Hello all! My name is Bob Brocious. I live outside of Campbellsburg, Kentucky on 134 acre Tenacity Farm. We named it after our only virtue. I work at UPS so I can afford to play in the dirt, as a Systems Engineer. I am a fan of Joel Salatin and have modeled a number of our farm enterprises after the work he has done.
I built a new house in 2005. It is an All American systems-built home. 6" exterior walls. 4" interior. Well insulated 2,000 sqft 1.5 story farm house with a 10' deep wrap around porch. The house sits on a full basement with 9' walls. I use a wood stove as my primary heating source and a heat pump as my secondary. We cut all our own firewood from our farm, ourselves. I want to convert to a Rocket Mass Heater and am hoping to find a lot of help for this newbie as I've never tackled a structure built with clay. I have attached a picture from a Sketchup model of our living room/dining/kitchen area. The wood stove is pretty much in the center of the main floor of the house. I am thinking that I would remove the woodstove and use that space, and some more, to build the rocket heater into a bench with seating on two sides. One towards the living room area and one towards the dining/kitchen area.
I am concerned about weight on this floor, sizing the heater for this house, and all the construction questions you would expect from someone who has never built a rocket stove or heater before. Debbie, (my bride) and I would like this heater to be a centerpiece for our living area. Not only very functional, but also beautiful. I am hoping to use it this winter!! If someone else has tackled a similar project with a similar kind of home, I would love to sit at your feet and feast on your wisdom!! So ... that's that. I am a sponge. Let the education begin!!
11 years ago