dirk walls

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since Jul 19, 2013
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Recent posts by dirk walls

My little garden. Just moved here in November and spent most of my time clearing out blackberry vines. Hopefully next year I can have a nicer set up.

more pics here: http://imgur.com/a/TxVZ2
11 years ago
Ah, thanks Now I feel like an idiot
11 years ago

Bob Anders wrote:
A 50 lb bag of onions is $12.00. Peal, wash, run through a slicer, a day in solar dehydrator with a few sticks of wood, and bag them up. We get around $400 out a 50 lb bag.

20 lb of peeled garlic $24.00. Through the slicer a day in solar dehydrator with a few sticks of wood, and bag them up. We get around $275 out of 20 lbs.

Does the wood you add to the solar dehydrator get hot enough to smoke?
11 years ago
Awesome, thanks!

It certainly seems to do fine without irrigation. Like I said, it was cut down do the ground in the spring and has come back without me doing anything to it and we've had many days of temps above 100 so far this summer and very little rain.
11 years ago
This is in Northern California. These are growing next to my driveway under a little oak tree. I moved here in November and the area where these bushes are was overgrown completely. I cut the bushes down to nothing and they came back and now have these great red flowers. I plan on letting them grow but I'm curious as to what they are.

11 years ago