Gord Day wrote:I have a cpl truckloads of coniferous wood chips and needles.. my assumtion is they are very acidic.. even tho they are 2-3 yrs old.. I also have a huge truckload of deciduous wood chips that are only 1 yr old. I,m figgering that being 1 yr old, thier thirst for nitrogen has all but been abated? I will make raised beds with the deciduous chips (combined with manure) and use the coniferous for the walkways.
I would appreciate input on this as it will be my first attempt.. I will also use forest humus, but dont whether to use it as the top "soil" or incorporate/mix it into the deciduous chips.. most of my crops will be shrubs and small trees but i will plant a few veggies. being raised beds I can manipulate each bed and compare findings.
cheers from, northern ont