Jessica Gourieux

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since Jul 27, 2013
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It is working, we had someone look at it before we bought the house in January and had to replace a couple of parts, but it works quite well I just don't like the gas bill that comes with it. It is sized slightly larger than what we actually need, the house was built in 1892 and is just over 3300 square feet, it is a brick two story farm house. Based on a calculator that I did when buying the house we only need 150 or 160,000 BTU out put. I am not sure if that is an hourly rate or not. I am still learning the ins and outs of steam heat. The nice thing is that since it is a radiant heat we can keep it set at 60-65 and the house is very comfortable in the winter (I live in Michigan, so it does get quite cold), compared to the house that we moved from that was only 700 square feet with forced air that I had to keep set between 75 and 80 to stay comfortable. We are just looking to see if there is a way to make the boiler more efficient because I don't want to pay $500 a month for gas in the winter, and would rather not pay $5000+ for a new boiler. Any thoughts?
11 years ago
Does anyone know if it is possible to convert an existing steam boiler (roughly 80 years old, 192,000 BTU output) from gas to be able to use with a rocket mass stove? I am sure that the rocket mass stove would be able to heat the water enough to create the steam for the system, just curious if it has been done or how we would go about doing it...
11 years ago