You want to better understand your plotskateers. I consider myself one (I did sign up to be one) and here is my guess...
1. I love permaculture
2. I'm very busy and just didn't feel value added by trying to get the kickstarter to page 1. What is the vision?
3. Your other plotskateers are probably also busy. We are not people that sit back and chill out. Permie plotskateers are movers and shakers with lots of irons in the rocket mass fire.
4. DON'T GIVE UP BUDDY! You got my attention and time. The plotskateer emails never seemed very personal but it seems that you finally put your finger on the pulse. Maybe if when you wrote to us you closed your eyes and imagined you were speaking directly to me. You're a good dude and do great stuff. I'd like to be supportive and I see the awesomeness of rocket mass tech but some things are just TOO GOOD for normal (non-permie) people to believe. In my opinion most people probably are thinking, "How can I use rocket mass tech? I do cook stuff in an oven but I live in an urban setting with no space to contain one of these things." That's my thought anyway. I just want to see one of these things firsthand to believe it/evangelize it. Maybe you need to take it on the road and do some demos? More to come later...