karla cox

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since Aug 03, 2013
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Recent posts by karla cox

Hi Petr,
question. i have an app that I have previously used to plant according to the moon schedule but unsure of its origins. I was only checking something else and found a canadian lunar planting calendar that had a different schedule than the app I've been using. is there a difference in location vs planting schedule? which one should I be using? i'm in western canada. thank you!
6 years ago
I noticed it immediately the very first year. best crops I ever had
most disease and pest resistant as well. I also had a control group where i planted each group of veggies in one plot on the same day. They did horrible in comparison to the rest of the garden when planted on the right moon days.
6 years ago
Hey I'm looking for resources on ANY potential grants, funding or investors who will give me money to purchase land in the okanagan and start a large eco-school focusing on education and land stewardship. Any info would be great thanks!
9 years ago
Hi Patrick,
I am going to austria this fall and really want to visit Sepp. How did you arrange the tour?
11 years ago