Brian Hava

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since Aug 03, 2013
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I'd like to introduce more organic matter into my lawn by spreading compost. I was thinking of renting an aerator and running that over the lawn first, then spreading the compost. I know that it probably won't properly aerate the lawn, since I'm filling the holes left by the machine with compost. But since the lawn is very deficient in organic matter, I was thinking maybe that was the best way to really get the compost into the soil. Is that a good way to do it?

Once I get the compost down, I was planning on overseeding in the fall and I'm trying to figure out the timing of spreading the compost and dropping the seed. Do I need to wait a while after composting and before seeding? Is it OK to spread the compost now? I was thinking of doing the overseeding sometime near Labor Day weekend.

Any help is appreciated and thanks for sharing your knowledge with the rest of us!
11 years ago