Rob Anton

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since Aug 05, 2013
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Thankyou to Chelle and all involved with this Forum. You are the reason why I chose to try Moringa Oleifera on my small farm in the country of Panama. The weather is perfect the soil is perfect and I've had great success starting 2000 seeds in grower bags. My problem is Leaf Cutter Ants denuding the poor saplings. I'm hesitant to place them in the ground til I find a solution. The local workers say to use this and that and being its Panama that could mean anything including things that are banned in the US and Europe but are not regulated here. I would like to find an organic alternative. I read about D E but don't know if its feasible for such a large crop, and don't know how well it works. If anyone has any ideas I would greatly appreciate it. Thankyou
11 years ago
Hello, I live in the country of Panama. I want to plant a few acres of Moringa Oleifera. I've tested a couple dozen seeds by starting them in grower bags with great success. My problem is Leaf Cutter Ants denudiung the saplings. Insecticide works but wanted to do the organic thing. I've read Diat. earth may work, but don't know if that would be feasible for a large plot of land. Can anyone help me? Thankyou
11 years ago