Annette Miner

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since Aug 07, 2013
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I've started a new thread so I can upload some pictures of the mill and the equipment that we have collected to go with it. One correction the mill is 14 inch not 16. Uploading the pictures seem to be slow going so I'm going to see if I can upload them to photobucket and then link to it.
11 years ago
I'm not even sure there is a call for what I have. Many years ago we spent months,way before the Internet!, gathering up the components to set up and run a turn of the century grist mill. We ground flint corn, flours, buckwheat. We ran it for about 10 as a business. Then other things happened and we no longer had the necessary people to work it.

About 6 years ago we dismantled it and stored it and found other uses for the building. Now we think we would like to sell the grist mill equipment but I'm not even sure there is a market for it. Maybe someone could point me in the direction of who would be interested in it. This is what the equipment is comprised of:

A 1930 era, J.A. Vance 16 inch vertical stone mill, with a brand new set of extra stones still in the crate. This mill will grind 100lb of hard flint corn per hour. This is a free standing mill that stands on a base with and overhead clutch.

2 hole corn sheller with a shacking elevator, this belt driven and runs off the overhead line shaft.

Hand crank winnower

Cast iron flour blower

Hog feed mill maybe two of them?

Turn of the century Fairbanks and Morse model Z, 6 hp gasoline engine. With snap in clutch. Mounted on frame with toolbox. Come with proper cast iron exhaust head.

Also included is all the overhead shafting and hangers need to run this mill and corn sheller.

There are other misc. things,box sifter, a small mixing mill,etc,that we have that would go with it. This was a sweet setup. the overhead line shaft is about 12 -14 feet long so you would need a building to accommodate that. If anyone is interested I will go to the work of taking pictures of the stuff.

11 years ago