*****************IMPORTANT SUPER IMPORTANT********************
I have been to SOOOOOOO many DE websites, researching and researching it. I like the stuff, really I do...BUT last nights events prompted me to dig a little bit deeper...here's whats up:
My kids, BOTH of them came down with croup...ya know that respiratory "infection?" Anyway, my 10 month old is cutting teeth, he's never had croup before, but my 5 year old gets it almost every time he gets a cold. Needless to say we went through the whole process, just this time with two children, not the usual one. (back and forth between hot steamy shower, and wrapped up in a tight bundle to the outside cool crisp air, 2am trip to wal-mart for stock up supplies of honey, lemon extract, vicks vapor rub & plug-ins) Then it hit me like a freight train...hold on here...5-year old had no prior symptoms, no cough or runny nose, no cold, no flu...healthy as can be. Same with the 10-month old, other than a slight fever, caused by the top tooth breaking through (I can only assume tho-I have no phd in pediatrics) Both kids are in fairly good health. Now here is where this gets pretty interesting...my boyfriend was sanding yesterday, taking some paint off our wood beam...and I assume this is what caused the respiratory discomfort in our kids. Though there was definitely adequate ventilation, I assume maybe not enough? Or not enough time?
This is were the DE comes in to play...AGAIN...no where have I read ANYTHING about this warning, it took my prying to figure this out. Hydrochloric Acid, look it up, its found in WAY too many products that we use, in-particular, its used in things like Lysol and even in Herbal Essence Shampoo...its also used in Goof Off, which is a product my b/f was using to take some of the stubborn paint off...now, I don't agree completely with the use of those chemicals, and I am sure that, in combination with the dust, is what caused the croupy symptoms, however, this is worth mentioning. All you DE experts out there, you already know that the main ingredient is silica...not harmful by any means...actually quite beneficial to us in ways...but, there is one thing that when mixed with, can give off lethal vapors...yes, you guessed it....HYDROCHLORIC ACID (goes by over 100 other names) so, this is definitely something I think people should be aware of, cuz this stuff is found in LOTS of stuff people use everyday...maybe a precaution that should be taken when using anything containing silica, including DE, when using with around or near anything containing Hydrochloric Acid!!!