Nathan Scott

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since Aug 13, 2013
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Thanks for the input guys!
I'm actually finding a few used collectors on Craigslist, that I hope would take the most expensive component that I was finding.

Not too sure about the compost pile solution. I think it wouldn't be very effective with the yard I have, but I'll keep reading.

Thanks, continued input welcome.
11 years ago
Hi folks! First time post (and I assume it will show but here goes).
I recently picked up an old hot tub online. Got it running two weeks ago and in general it works ok but the heater struggles and I'm expecting a noticeable add-on to my electric bill.
I was hoping to put together a closed loop solar water heater. I live in New England and the winter will be bad, but I'd love to have a cheap-to-run hot tub to slip into in the (potential) snow.

I'm using this site ( for reference on it, but I want to know if I can adapt cheap home made solar panels (even the tin can solar air heater) to these types of systems.

If anyone can point me to something helpful online, I'd appreciate it greatly. (Or if you've done something that would work that is as far under $1000 as possible, that would be amazing.)

Thanks in advance,
11 years ago