Jenny McGee

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since Aug 15, 2013
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So far, I have found a yahoo group called the North American Scion Exchange. They are easy to join. I haven't tried them yet though.

Since I am more after education than any particular variety right now, I may just try to graft a branch from one of my trees onto the other side of the tree while I'm learning.
9 years ago
Do any of you know of any scion wood exchanges in the Kansas City area? I can order online, but I thought I would try locally first.
9 years ago
If you have a Master Naturalist chapter in your area (similar to but separate from Master Gardeners, run through the local extension office) this is one of the activities that they usually work on, although they would focus on public lands instead of private.

They might be a good source for getting seeds or plants for things that are rare but native to your area.
10 years ago
You could do the opposite of all the suggestions for caring for a healthy tree. None of these will kill the tree instantaneously, but they will all take a few years off the tree's life.

For example, prune a few branches without making an undercut. Let the branch rip a long strand of bark off the tree.
Prune too close to the main stem, to introduce rot into the trunk.
Install a sidewalk under the tree, that cuts through the top 12 inches of soil and kills all the roots there.
Run the lawnmower right up under the tree, where it will damage the bark at the trunk.
Mulch around the tree, but bring the mulch all the way up so it rests on the base of the trunk. If you can get a root growing in this mulch, that root can act as a girdle.
Smother the roots by re-landscaping around the tree, covering most of the roots up with at least 12 inches of soil.
Anything you can do to force the tree to put out leaves multiple times in one year will deplete its stored energy. Getting something to graze the tree in spring right after the leaves bud out will weaken the tree.
10 years ago
Is there anyone else here from Gladstone Missouri?

I've started a group to get the chicken laws changed in Gladstone, so if there is anyone from the area who wants to check it out, here it is:
11 years ago