Terri Wilde

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since Aug 17, 2013
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Recent posts by Terri Wilde

Land based Permaculture practicum courses being held this summer in the beautiful Skagit River Valley with experienced permaculturalist Terri Wilde.  See http://www.vivaculture.org for more info in learning and applying permaculture skills.
Regenerative Earth Apprenticeship Program 2024, is being offered during the summer of 2024 for up to 5 students applicants only,  in the beautiful North Cascades of western WA State.

Learn to apply Permaculture principles to real life Earth Care.
Practice deep observation, getting to know the plants and animals of place through seasons and successions.
Practice reading the land, water, weather and life for guidance toward good stewardship.
Are you ready to put your hands into the cycle of life, participating in the creation of your own sustenance?
Are you a knowledge carrier?
Are you ready to receive, learn and pass on the sacred traditions of growing, foraging and preserving food?
Are you interested in learning how to work with plants and fungi for healing?

This is a special opportunity to take Permaculture out of the classroom and practice and learn stewarding the Earth.
Learn with experienced Earth Apprentice, permaculturalist, gardener, herbalist and forager, Terri Wilde.

The REAP program is being offered for 3 months, June 15-Sept. 15, 2024 to serious apprentices.

We will camp and live in community on Dandelion Hearth Farm in the heart of the North Cascades’s Skagit River Valley in western WA.
Apprentices will be engaged for 4 days a week with Intensive instruction, hands on projects, field trips and work exchange.  The other 3 days, students are free to explore the beautiful North Cascades, relax in nature, work part time or deepen their studies.

The program includes camping, access to food and kitchen and the opportunity to be involved in community cooking, and Regenerative Class instruction with hands on projects.
It is being offered for a reasonable $550/ month plus 10 hours a week work exchange (40 hours a month).

Curricula for the 3 month program will include: Sense of Place, Botany essentials, Gardening/ Farming basics, Food Preservation, Foraging, Herbal Medicine Making, Nutrition, Energy Flows, Chicken Husbandry, Homestead Skills and More!!  We are a delightful community with good food, live music, and a sense of humor.
For more information and to download an application go to: www.vivaculture.org
10 months ago
Community Home looking for renters and dreamers to share a beautiful house in rural western WA this winter. Forming permaculture community has gardens, poultry, dogs and nice folks. Looking for some inspiring, committed, responsible folks to join us in our wood heated home through the dark, rainy winter time.  Share food, music, art, inspirations, rent, chores, etc.  Possibilities to move onto the land in the spring, or stay long term. We are in the Skagit River Valley near the North Cascades on 12 beautiful acres. Available starting Oct. 2023.  Email wildefoods@yahoo.com
Thanks for asking the question. Permaculture is about observation and working with nature.
I must say your photo was challenging for my aging eyes for identification, plants a tad older and a better photo would help.  I concur with many observations adding what I think is Shepherd' purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris) upper left and Cardamine hirsuta, or bittercress as someone mentioned, also sometimes called winter cress cuz it's not bitter or popweed because the seeds pop out when ripe and touched.  So..yeah, you have a fine salad and medicinal garden right there in that spot!!  I would recommend letting them thrive together. Perhaps you have a lot of this and want to try growing something else, well okay, but don't take out these plants until you are actually ready to put in something else. Here's ways those plants help humans. Strawberry, dandelion, popweed (and chickweed but I don't really see it) are all good edibles. Violet, shepherds purse even henbit (and rumex) and strawberry leaves can make good teas and be eaten in small quantities. Dandelion, Rumex, violet, shepherd's purse, strawberry leaves are all used in herbal medicine.  Did I mention Dandelion as being useful...cuz yeah!  All parts of it are edible and helpful for cleansing toxins out of our bodies living in a toxic world...so yeah, dandelions. Also you should leave and eat the dandelions : ).  More nutritious and versatile that what you would plant. Put the leaves on sandwiches, fritter the flowers, roast the roots and make tea, steam the leaves and slather with butter...
Let's appreciate and work with what the earth is giving us, Peeps.  Baring the ground is not a good starting point for permaculture. Sure, some plants need some discipline, but my philosophy is to try to work with what presents itself, not taking out plants, weeding, unless I know what it is and why I must weed it.  Eat what is in abundance. Terri
Community Home Pod looking for renters and dreamers to share a beautiful house in rural western WA this winter. Forming permaculture community has gardens, trails, poultry, dogs and nice folks. We plan to stay fairly covid isolated and look for some inspiring folks to join us in our wood heated home through the dark, rainy winter time.  Share food, music, art, inspirations, rent, chores, etc.  Possibilities to move onto the land in the spring.
3 years ago
Hi Dan,
Sweet.  I'm on a land project up the Skagit Valley, but have been involved in Seed Libraries and now Bellingham's community seed garden.  If you want to connect, I'm at wildefoods@yahoo.com. T
3 years ago
We are installing an experimental passive solar shower and outdoor kitchenette. We are looking for someone (or a couple) willing to collaborate and volunteer with the construction and installation. (There are other work exchange activities as well : )) You would be able to stay in a cute, electric heated cabin with an outdoor composting pooper.  We can work out exchanges of labor for lodging and potentially meals.  We are a sweet little community on a gorgeous property near the Skagit River and the North Cascade Mountains in western WA state. There's great hiking, snowshoeing, eagle watching opportunities near. We have some design plans and experience and hope to find someone with some experience and knowledge to collaborate with.  We are being covid safe and would want a quarantine time at the beginning and a commitment to avoid risking exposure.  We are 4 people, 3 dogs, musicians, permaculturalists, cooks, herbalists, foragers and gosh darn nice folks. Looking for other hard working, easy going nice folks. Flexible to negotiate a wwoofer like arrangement that works for everyone. Contact us soon: wildefoods@yahoo.com
4 years ago
Have you considered Jenkin's suggestion to not add human waste to water? Is there anyway you could set up a 2bin compost system under a "toilet" area in your house, that you could slowly fill over time, having someone empty the bin that has been sitting for a year, only when it is finished compost?  You may want to consider methods for diverting some of your urine from such a system. That can be solved more easily (I'm coming to really appreciate my yogurt container for simple transfer.. ).
5 years ago