Four Nichols

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since Sep 10, 2013
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I'm a male who is busy surviving his 30's.  I am scientist who still believe in magic and imagination.  I am a veteran who is searching for his peace of mind, body, and soul.
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Lowell, MA Zone 6a
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Recent posts by Four Nichols

Thanks! I will check those links out.
10 years ago

So, what would be some indigenous, New England species that, if promoted sufficiently, could help provide a secondary income in the Mid-coast Maine region? I am thinking exotic/rare herb/spices/medicinals that could be turned into tincture or teas and sold as a smaller cottage industry. Or possibly preserved and sold to people who are looking to source quality ingredients?

I have 13 acres near Cherryfield, 11 of which are wooded and two that is south-facing open-space. Looking for side revenue ideas to ward off "the Department of Making You Sad" while I establish a permaculture wonderland up there..

Any expert advice would be most welcome, indeed!
10 years ago
Wow! This looks like an amazing series. Thank you very much for the heads up!
10 years ago

Thanks for the great reply, and no worries on the delay. That whole description is music to my ears.

Just curious, do you guys have any happenings going on this summer? Which is to say, any opportunities for visitors to come experience your farm for a day trip or so? We are planning to make a few weekend visits to Maine this year, so traveling options are welcome.
10 years ago

Hao Chen wrote:I'm in Wilmington, MA. Starting to do some stuff in the backyard (raised beds, hugel, fruits/nuts, compost, rain harvest). There's a Boston permie meetup and a North Shore one

What kind of things are you interested in?

Meetup, that a good call. I hadn't thought to look there for events.

Perennials, Hugels, and soil regeneration are at the top of my list right now seeing as I am currently city-locked.
10 years ago
So, I believe it is safe to assume that nearly everyone on these forums is "Goofy About Permaculture," but I wonder how many of you are located in the Merrimack Valley (northern MA/southern NH)?

I don't have anything going on myself, per say, besides a quasi-hugel raised bed in my parking lot, but is there any Permie relate stuff happening in my valley?

More specifically, I am in Lowell, MA and I love to build.

Let's hear it!
10 years ago

Craig Dobbelyu wrote:There are quite a few permie people here. There's a lot of young families that are all in the process of getting started. We're all spread out all over the place.

You all got any sort of a meet-up schedule? I know that this is where I want to be in the near future, but my better half is a bit of a city-girl. She is understandably nervous about moving out to the "woods" and being cut off from humanity as we know it.. ;P

Cherryfield is a pretty sleepy little town, so I don't blame her for the apprehension.
10 years ago

Craig Dobbelyu wrote:I'm on the "Midcoast". The closest town is Belfast (20 minutes away).

Craig, the swales are looking great! Glad to see some "Maniacs" doing some permaculture!

I am an aspiring permie who has to live in MA for now to pay the bills, but I have 13 wild acres in the Cherryfield area that was once a organic homestead in my youth, but has gone wild for the past 20 years. I am now in my early thirties and absolutely itching to kick-start this sleepy little piece of land and make something beautiful out of it. I am observing, planning, reading, and researching until the opportunity to return home to the "Downeast" becomes a possibility once again..

How does the Permaculture scene look up there? My girlfriend and I are tiring of the urban cityscape, but the biggest obstacle to taking the plunge into starting the homestead back up is the fear of isolation.

So, how much of a community of like-minded people are you feeling up your way?
10 years ago
I am totally posting some of these..
I, for one, am extremely excited about getting to watch a Wofati being built in real-time.

Thank you for being on top of the photo-sharing oppertunity!
11 years ago