Living Woods Magazine -- 1st Issue
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Ashlee Jones

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since Sep 19, 2013
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Hello everyone,

My wife signed us up for permies awhile back and we have been (to her credit, she has been researching permaculture before she even knew it had a name) reading and watching and well I am sure most likely similar stories to the rest of you.

First question that hopefully someone has some information on. While researching solar food dehydrators, I found a blog article on steam juicers and thus found myself researching steam juicers. Found a decent stainless one and was just looking for a view comparison models when I stumbled across this:

This deflated my enthusiasm for ordering one a little and I was wondering if this has been addressed or if it falls under pure marketing ... I guess adding BS to marketing would be a little redundant. I have seen where bacteria can live in far greater and lower temperatures than we ever imagined life could exist so perhaps the above info is a bit outdated.

Anyone have any experience or information on the nutrient differences between "live" fresh squeezed vs. steamed juice?

Thank you and what an awesome community!

11 years ago