Whitney Segura

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since Sep 21, 2013
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For Colorado gardening, I would suggest the following items, of which there are many other's, but here's my top list:


Heaters - If you're living in the North, you will need to calculate the number of BTU's you'll require, to heat the entire structure. This can be done by a simple formula and tool, you can find one here; http://www.minigreenhousekits.com/pages/BTU-Calculator

Fans - Vital

Automatic Watering & Misting Systems - Vital

Automatic Greenhouse Roof Window Openers - Vital [Depending Upon Location] (Usually they're default programing is to open if it get's above 73 degrees F.)

Shade Nets - For Southern USA greenhouse gardening, you would want to cover you're greenhouse, when it get's too hot. Generally, you will get about a 33% shade reduction factor from the traditional shade netting.

Glass Greenhouse Designs: Glass is elegant and something most people can't & won't ever have, simply, because it costs too much and can shatter, causing the greenhouse to be a somewhat dangerous place, when working around family member's and employee's even.

Polycarbonate Greenhouse Designs: Polycarbonate is the way to go, in my opinion, it's cheap, extremely durable, I mean it's virtually unbreakable, and it won't shatter like glass, but still provide similar see-through qualities. Poly panels can get very think, and provide excellent insulation, they are also easy to install and replace.
11 years ago
Yeah, that should work okay, even though I have not tried it myself.

One thing, however, that I have successfully composted, and a lot of, is actual cigarette buds. They take a little longer to break down, but eventually, they do and turn into nice compost.

Or, am I wrong about doing that, and hurting the plant's due to the contents of cigarettes? Does anyone know?

- Whitney
11 years ago