Hi Kelly! We are close to Center, not quite in Sagauche county. We are close enough to the edge of the valley to get a few more of the summer rains, which is nice. And I can't say enough about the view! I don't understand the doubters...if you find an old homestead you will find an apple tree there. Why we can't do it now is beyond my understanding. I'm thinking of starting off with honey locust, seabuckthorn, buffalo berry. I'd like to try a few goumi as they are marginally hardy, just to see what they do here. After that I'd like to do standard apples, pears, beaked hazels if our ph isn't over 7. I'd love to do prunus, but there is a ban on them. I've run into a couple of references that say yellowhorn nuts are hardy to zone 4/5 and like the kind of conditions we have in the valley. I'd love to have a large greenhouse to protect some hardy kiwi, just for the "cool" factor. I'm still wrapping my head around how much our land can support with the amount of water we get. I have very vague ideas, mostly of savanna type silvopasture type systems with lots of edge around paddocks with hedgerows...not a lot of specifics though. I'd be happy to hook you up with some rabbit when we get going! The reproductive ability of rabbits are appealing and from what I've read much more in line labor/resource wise for a small homestead.
edited - I have it in my head that hybrid oaks, walnuts and chestnuts with 4-6 year to fruit would be a good addition also. I also think that to get pasture established we're going to have to utilize the moisture from mob grazing to get anything established.