erick meza

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since Sep 27, 2013
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Recent posts by erick meza

Hi everyone, we are in the process to convert a Promaster cargo van into an off grid camper van!!

We are looking for any words of wisdom or advice, but also a place that we could actually do it.

We have the tools lots of good ideas and we are looking for some space to park and work on it near Tucson midtown area.

We need access to eletricity and a enclosed areas to keep tools thats all!

As exchange we can help with a Permaculture design for the property and water harvesting features, set up of organic gardens and more!!

Please let us know if this is something you might be interested in!!

Thanks in advance!!

6 years ago

fred greek wrote:Is there anyone in my area with experience in constructing the earthbag type of buildings with whom I might meet and perhaps see how it works?  

Hi there,
Canelo project might help, bean tree farm has rammed earth buildings,  cob or free form adobe is a good way to build around here to.
Good luck

Check this video for some inspiration

6 years ago

Come and learn how to make your own chocolate at this organic cacao farm, amongst a food forest!! permaculture and homestead projects going on everyday, we encourage community outreach and living, please check our blog so you can learn more about us and the projects we do:

Please contact me for more information!!

11 years ago

Come and learn how to make your own chocolate bar in an amazing 13 acre food forest, we are based on community living and outreach.

Please read more about the MayaPoint project in the caribbean:

We have new projects everyday based on permaculture and homesteading.

Hope to hear from you!!
11 years ago

We are starting a community shared space in one of the islands near Bocas del Toro in Panama, the place has lots of potential and we can always use some help around the cacao farm and food forest, please check out some of the activities that we are doing at

Good luck on your search!!
11 years ago