I have an organic garden in Sydney Australia with an abundance of flowering plants everywhere. The sad thing is I can count the bees on one hand.....simply stop using herbicides & pesticides its not a difficult decision to make. Paul how can we start a global movement where people promise to never buy any of these products again. I was clearing out the cupboards from a house I bought and found a plug in pesticide for inside the home! Can you believe it you put in a sachet into the receptacle on a plug which you then plug into the wall and wafts of pesticides permeate through the room killing intermittently any insect that is flying by or any human that is breathing in the vicinity at the time. And the best one is advertising surface sprays for cockroaches with a baby crawling happily on hands and knees while Mummy happily sprays ad infinitum on every available sterile white surface. When are we going to wake up?