Patrick Dandl

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since Oct 03, 2013
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I have about 5' or 6' of elevation.
11 years ago
I need some sort of lining because of the location (near house, retaining walls, etc...) but fancy pond liners are out of the budget. I'm thinking that I'm going to knead mud to get a semi-water proof effect, then line it with cheap plastic, then cover that with something to protect it. Maybe I should just paint the ground directly (once I've turned it into hardpan) with the exterior paint.

I'm looking to cover a curving area roughly 50' long and about 5' wide.
11 years ago
Thanks for your interest.

Available materials: rocks up to about 2' long, dirt (seems to have a high clay content but it doesn't hold water), wood, exterior paint.

Goals, from highest priority to least:

Mosquito reduction (a place for unwitting mosquitoes to lay their eggs)

Something calm and interesting for the wife and kids to enjoy

Water for watering fruit trees.


Edit: I haven't measured the elevation drop. I think that I have about 5 feet though. That's over about 50 feet.
11 years ago
I don't think that an adjustable valve (like a drip emitter) will have the precision required. I think that I am going to have to use multiple very fine tubes per waterfall. If I can get tubes that drip about 10 drips per minute that should be fine. Then I will have multiple tubes per "waterfall". Maybe I will have to use more regular-sized tubes with caps that have pin pricks in them.

I was hoping that these tubes would provide aeration in two ways: the drip falling into the lower pond, and the replacement bubble rising into the upper pond. However these are really low rates. Am I out of luck when it comes to aeration?

Right now for animals I am thinking of having mosquitofish, a small predator for pan frying (preferably a small one, like green sunfish if I can find them), and crayfish. Since I'm going for 3-5 ponds I don't have to have all species in each pond, though I will need mosquito control in each pond. Any advice on this aspect of it?
11 years ago
I want to make a series of small ponds, each dripping into the next. The uppermost pond will be filled by my down spout, and thus its water level will fluctuate the most. In theory this should be very possible, my question is whether anyone has made it work. Electricity is not an option.

Let's say that I am willing to have the uppermost pond's capacity fluctuate by 100 gallons. After a long dry spell there will be 100 gallons of unused capacity, which will be filled in the next rainstorm. Then I have a waterfall to the next pond. If I want the water to last 10 days then I need to have the rate be 10 gallons per day. Well slightly less, because of evaporation in the top pond. Let's say that I lose 20 gallons per day, per pond. So I have 80, and I want it to flow at a rate of 8 gallons per day. This waterfall of course is

Now the second pond will have a much more steady flow. It gets water for 10 days after a rain then it has to go without if another rain hasn't come in 10 days. Let's say that it has a capacity of 48 gallons. So if we reserve 20 gallons for evaporation then we need to pass on 60. If we send 6 gallons per day we can go for 10 plus 6 more because of its capacity. So this second pond will be able to supply the third pond for 16 days.

Then the third and fourth ponds are similar to the second. By the end there is the fifth pond. It is getting water steadily even in periods of prolonged drought. All of the water that it receives it loses to evaporation.

Perhaps "waterfall" is not the right word. The last pond will get a drip every other second. Not very much at all. How hard is it to create a system that drips at that rate? The first pond will drip at maybe three times that. Now that was assuming that each pond loses 2 gallons per day. That won't be true, because they will all be different sizes, have different exposure to the sun and wind, etc... so I will need to be able to tune the dripping rate. Does anyone have experience with something like this?
11 years ago